Serial dilution calculation quiz

Serial dilution is a series of sequential dilution of a substance in solution. This protocol is specific for bacterial counts colonyforming units, cfus, but can be modified for fungi cfus and viruses plaqueforming units, pfus for viral counts. A small amount of serum or solute can be serially diluted by transferring aliquots to diluent. What does this mean if a solution has a 110 dilution the number represents 1 part of the patient sample added to 9 parts of diluent. Dilutions and concentrations introductory chemistry 1st. Serial dilutions austin community college district. Calculate the volumes required to prepare a serial dilution for an assay. Learn serial dilution with free interactive flashcards. Below is an applet to practice finding dilution factors, and also to determine how much water to add to achieve a given dilution. Topics youll need to know to pass the quiz include understanding the. One of the most common series doubles the dilution factor with each transfer 1. Calculates serial dilution using initial concentration and dilution factor or a concentration range. A serial dilution is any dilution in which the concentration decreases by the same factor in each successive step in serial dilutions, you multiply the dilution factors for each step.

Thus, a series of 5, one to ten dilutions equals a one to one hundred thousand dilution. There is a number of calculations to make before getting your final percentage of dilution. Serial dilution pay attention as im going to quiz you on this today 3. For this particular dilution, it may also be said that the stock solution was diluted 10fold. What amount of a substance is required to make 1500ml of a product such that 50ml diluted to ml will give a 1% vv concentration. You will make several dilutions of a bacterial stock. This worksheet and quiz let you practice the following skills. Dilution explained clearly exam practice question youtube. Solutions part 1 solutions used in clinical laboratory. A serial dilution is the repeated dilution of a solution to amplify the dilution factor quickly. We could also have said the dilution factor was 110, or the dilution factor was 0. Calculate the quantity of substance in the final dilution. An easy learning guide serial dilution is a series of sequential dilutions used to reduce a dense culture of cells to a more usable concentration. A series of five dilutions is made of this first dilution by diluting it 110, rediluting 110, and then three times more, each resulting solution then being a 110 dilution of the previous one in the series.

Protocol for using serial dilutions in the microbiology lab. As it would usually be impossible to actually count the number of microorganisms in a sample, the sample is diluted and plated to get a reasonable number of colonies to count. What dilutions would you need to do from a stock solution of 20 mm to give a. A serial dilution is a series of sequential dilutions used to reduce a dense culture of cells to a more usable concentration.

Youve diluted 100 ul of plasma with 300 ul of distilled water for a 1. Hence, final volume sample volume 61 8 then, two serial 1 100 are made, hence, dilution factor is calculated as 61 8 x 1 100 x 1 100 7. Serial dilution a serial dilution is simply a series of simple dilutions which amplifies the dilution factor quickly beginning with a small initial quantity of material i. Download the calculation crib sheet or, watch some worked example videos. The easiest method is to make a series of 1 in 10 dilutions. Enter the answer in the answer cell and press check answer. All materials checked by dr scott wildman, dr cleopatra. Today was a very bad day at the universitybeside that some students answered in the quiz question that if you get blue color in gram staining that means your bacteria is gram ve i noticed most of the students including myself had trouble with the dilution processso i thought maybe id make a quick explanation for what is dilution and how it is done and all the ratios and other. For example, a sample size of 1 ml is added to 9 ml of diluent to equal a total of 10 ml. However, it is very easy to use, but can be a large.

The first dilution is made just like the simple dilution. A set of serial dilutions is made, a sample of each is placed into a liquefied agar. A log dilution is a tenfold dilution, meaning the concentration is decreased by a multiple of ten. Nov 04, 2017 for example, if 100 ml of a stock solution is diluted with solventdiluent to a total, final volume of ml, the resulting dilution factor is 10. How to work microbiology dilution problems sciencing. Dilution factor df vinitial v final dilution after a seial dilution is given by multipying the dilutions for each step. In this video i have shown dilution of these types with relevant examples. Feb, 2020 a serial dilution was prepared by adding 0. Serial dilution practice problem set science primer. The purpose can be determination of bacterial, fungal, or viral counts indirectly. Serial dilution problem help serial dilutions are used to calculate the concentration of microorganisms. Tube 5 has 1 3rd of its volume that is composed of the 1.

And so forth for 3 more serial dilution steps giving 18,000, 116,000, and 2,000. How do you calculate serial dilutions, identifying. This quiz and corresponding worksheet will help you gauge your understanding of how to calculate the dilution of solutions. When a sample diluted 1100 is added to a sample diluted 110, the final dilution would be. In a serial dilution, the final total dilution is a product of each individual dilution in the series. Pressing new problem will display a question to the right of the table.

Announcement next test test 2 is on march 22nd, 2011 tuesday at the big hall 8pm test 4 is on april 5th, 2011 tuesday at the big hall 8pm 2. For example, if you add a 1 ml sample to 9 ml of diluent to get 10 ml of solution. Can answer these microbiology lab questions flashcards. Serial dilutions are useful in a small quantity of serum and to find the titer of antibodies.

This calculation can be used for dilutions of solutions with concentration in mass percentage units, e. Rather than go through all the steps to get the concentration after n serial dilutions, you can take advantage of the fact that the same calculation is done in each step. Then, 1 ml from that mixture is added to 9 ml, and it is mixed together a 102 dilution. When we said the diluted coffee was 110th as strong as the original that was a dilution factor. This activity was created by a quia web subscriber. Then, we do work through two practice problems and example problems together. Dilution factor practice problem to dilute a bacterial culture, 100.

This is called a dilution series or a serial dilution. The 10 represents the total size of the final sample. To complete a tenfold dilution, the ratio must be 1. Now subsequent dilutions are made from each preceding dilution. Chem 405 biochemistry lab i experiment 1 biochemical. Serial dilutions tube method principle serial dilution is a common technique used in many immunologic procedures. Stock solution dilutions dilution calculation learn how to. This page is an exercise in performing basic dilution calculations. As another example, a 2fold dilution is the same as a dilution factor of 2. To find the cfu, first we need to calculate the dilution factor. For example, when you are making orange juice from a frozen concentrate, you mix 1 can of concentrate with 3 cans of water. Solutions usually are stored in a higher concentration, for convience of use and avoiding contamination. Remember that serial dilutions are always made by taking a set quantity of the initial dilution and adding it successively to tubes with the same volume. Dilution is the reduction in the ownership percentage in a certain company as an effect of the issuance of shares.

If there are only a few serial dilutions, the calculations can be done separately for each step. If that is enough to perform all of your tests, this dilution plan will work. Dilution calculator molarity, percent meant to be used in both the teaching and research laboratory, this calculator see below can be utilized to perform dilution calculations when working with molar or percent % solutions. This is a little different method of determining concentration t han what most of you are used to. Serial dilution procedure only counts viable cells while other methods may count both living and dead cells. You can identify a dilution solution by the amount of solute in the total volume, expressed as a proportion. Calculating final dilution in a given serial dilution problem. Choose from 8 different sets of serial dilution flashcards on quizlet. Use this only when you want to make a dilute solution starting from a concentrated solution. Serial dilutions a serial dilution is any dilution where the concentration decreases by the same quantity in each successive step. Aug, 2014 serial dilution is a series of sequential dilution of a substance in solution.

Student learning advisory service at a glance pharmacy. A serial dilution is the dilution of a sample, in 10fold dilutions. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about html5 video. A series of five dilutions is made of this first dilution by diluting it 110, rediluting 110, and then three times more, each resulting solution then. Dilution worksheet and problems biology libretexts. Dilution calculator molarity, percent physiologyweb. Dec 17, 2018 the concentration of stock solution can be expressed in any form such as percentage, molarity or times x. Seheult works through a typical medical exam question. When youre thinking about dilution, it helps to simplify your actions into dilution factors. Main applications include elisa and other microplatebased experiments. As shown in the illustration below, it begins when 1 ml of the bacterial sample is added to 9 ml, and it is mixed together creating a 101 dilution. The source of dilution material for each step comes from the diluted material of the previous.

A dilution solution contains solute or stock solution and a solvent called diluent. Serial dilutions reduce the concentration of a sample in small steps or fractions. Serial dilutions are the culmination of a number of diluted tubes used in order to get smaller dilutions. A set of serial dilutions is made, a sample of each is placed into a liquefied agar medium, and the. To solve dilution problems, use the equation m1v1 m2v2. Antibiotic concentration from stock solution calculation. X research source its commonly performed in experiments requiring highly diluted solutions, such as those involving concentration curves on a logarithmic scale or when you are determining the density of bacteria. The concentration of stock solution can be expressed in any form such as percentage, molarity or times x. Do not use this calculation for solids instead use the molarity calculation.

An easy learning guide serial dilutions are the culmination of a number of diluted tubes used in order to get smaller dilutions. Key is licensed under a creative commons attributionnoncommercialsharealike 4. Rather than go through all the steps to get the concentration after n serial dilutions, you can take advantage of the fact that the same calculation is. Generates a stepbystep protocol for planning serial dilutions. These two components proportionally combine to create a dilution. Mar 29, 2019 a serial dilution is the repeated dilution of a solution to amplify the dilution factor quickly. You can use the dilution equation with any units of concentration, provided you use the same units throughout the calculation. The following problem sets test your ability to calculate dilution factors and concentration s. So you multiply each successive dilution by the dilution factor. Note that serial dilution is a special case of series of dilutions. After you have calculated the individual dilutions for each tube, multiply the dilutions when using serial dilutions. Dilution is a decrease in a solutions concentration, whereas concentration is an increase in a solutions concentration. For example, if 100 ml of a stock solution is diluted with solventdiluent to a total, final volume of ml, the resulting dilution factor is 10.

Dilution refers to make a lower concentration solution from higher concentrations. Dilution and concentration theory dilution and concentration theory sounds ominous but you use dilutions and concentrations fairly frequently outside of your scientific life. Authentic active learning activities demonstrating the use of. How to calculate concentrations when making dilutions dummies. Mean percentage quiz scores assessing student learning for serial dilution and plate counts.