Book god hates you hate him back

God hates is an amusingly written romp through each part of the book on which christians and jews rely for their faith. Sin directs people to worldly pleasures and not to gods blessings to pursue sin is to turn ones back on the gifts of god, who has plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. For it has been granted literally, graced to you that for the sake of christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake philippians 1. The book like the one he ridicules is broken into two sections old and new testaments. Youre probably thinking right now, then there is no hope. Theres a lot to hate about the god in the bible, he is a sexist, genocidal, narcissistic freak, etc. I dont like to think about the things god hates, especially when i realize im guilty. He also hates idols because they damage us, his imagebearers. A final point to make is that it might sound rather harsh to us to hear that god hates certain people.

Why i dont criticise islam cj werleman author of god hates you hate him back i quite enjoyed his book, ghyhhb, though the tone was probably the most dismissive of all the atheist books i have read, including god is not great. I know this probably sounds crazy, but given the choice, i would rather be around a demonpossessed heathen than a deceived christian. With a wit as dry as a martini, and the cross examination techniques of a seasoned lawyer, cj werleman lays out all sixtysix chapters of the bible to present an irrefutable argument that indeed god. We, at lean marketing press, have never been prouder to release a new book as we are with god hates you. The lord is not a god of hate, as scripture tells us that god is love 1 john 4.

See how the vengeful, spiteful god destroys nations, civilisations, and people with glee. Whats more, it uses the creationists mostcited source to do it. Werleman, 9780956427601, available at book depository with free delivery worldwide. I went to the tea party rally in pleasanton on thursday. He will not delay with him who hates him, he will repay him to his face. God hates you, hate him back em and emm expound on exposition. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Download god hates you hate him back making sense of the bible revised international edition pdf free. Lord bertrand russell and the powerful minority god.

And we have been taking a look at verses 17 through. Rather, obey god, by confessing your disobedience towards him and trust in jesus for the forgiveness of that disobedience. God hates you, hate him back by cj werleman, paperback. The courageous woman who inflamed the muslim world speaks out against the evils of islam 256. It is very refreshing, to my soul, to hear about an author of a christian marriage book explaining that god hates violence. This book absolutely crucifies the argument for a ben. God also hates the wicked because their wickedness is expressed in ways that harm the people he has created in his image. God hates you, hate him back makes the ultimate case for the claim that the god of the bible is the most wicked character in the pages of history. Why i dont criticise islam cj werleman author of god. You may have heard that god hates sin but loves the sinner. With a demoniac, at least theyll come out and say i hate god, or i hate the bible. Why the world hates christians, part 2 grace to you. The battle lines are clearly drawn out and you know where each of you stands in the relationship.

Well, i was praying and i suddenly realized i was talking to myself. So not only did david feel like god had deserted him, but even his friends were in agreement. And we know enough of our own guilt to sometimes suspect the. Making sense of the bible or nonsense if you are willingly ignorant by cj werlemen part 3 do you think that, if you were granted omnipotence and omniscience and millions of years in which to perfect your world, you could produce nothing better than the ku. Blessed are you when haters hate, for it is evidence that you are his john 15. Its possible you may find a newer edition of this book there. Solomon answers the question in the book of proverbs. Saint johns words should rather be interpreted to mean that love of neighbor is a path that leads to the encounter with god, and that closing our eyes to our neighbor also blinds us to god. The idea behind god hates you, hate him back is a good one basically werleman steps through the books of the bible providing colorcommentary on the many atrocities found therein as well as a body count tally of those god murders. Do not be surprised, brothers, that the world hates you 1 john 3.

There is an unchanging truth that has come from my relationship with god. I mean, let god hate if he wants to hate, and he hates evil and he hates idolatry and he hates paganism and so he hates esau. When we pursue idols, we pursue things that can never satisfy and we stop pursuing the one and only thing that can bring full and permanent satisfaction. Because sinful people cannot storm the gates of heaven to dethrone and destroy god himself, they turn on what is dearest to him and nearest to his image.

First john for tonight is our study as we turn to the truth of gods word, 1 john chapter 2, verses 15 through 17. This book absolutely crucifies the argument for a benevolent creator. God hates you, hate him back makes the ultimate case that the god of the bible is the most wicked character in the pages of history. Somebody once asked the late wife of billy graham about her relationship with her husband. You could try contacting the author there and ask them to return the book to smashwords. If you hate god because why the fuck not, thats not logical. Discover the lies told about gentle jesus, meek and mild, condemning those non believers to an eternity of torture. As packer says, when the object of homage is noble, the. Making sense of the bible revised international edition revised international ed by cj werleman isbn.

In the sensitive, sore, and exhausting moments of life, we have an even harder time discerning whether our pain is the discipline of a loving father or the wrath of a righteous judge. Here i was pouring out hate, and not only does he comfort me, but he is also proud of me. God hates idols because they make false statements about him. A god who hates is a fiery book that will remind readers why. I tell you that god hates sin just as a father hates a rattlesnake that threatens the safety and life of his child.

And david even had people all around him, telling him that god hated him and wouldnt help him out. Im working on a post that uses some of his thoughts for later in the week. Hate him back really does put the fun back into the bible. I would encourage you to continue with your prayers, but ask god to have mercy on you, and not expect too much. You cansee werlemans brain working through each of the bibles chapters andcapturing the essence of the parables, stories, philosophies, andideas. Bear in mind, however, that the lord himself said this in gethsemane, and the next day he died. The bible says that god made us purely for us to wor. And you take away the common idolization of marriage that keeps so many women in abusive marriages, believing that god would hate for them to leave more than he would hate for them to stay and be abused. There have been countless number of analysis of the bible but none as entertaining as this, certainly in our opinion. In the garden of eden god placed a tree in the middle called the knowledge of good and evil.

God hates those who express their hatred toward him. I downloaded this book mostly on the merits of the title. However, god is also perfectly true, righteous, and holy. Even if you are a god believer, jew or christian, this is a book you will use as a reference in your own personal theological debates. Whether youve loved the book or not, if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new books that are right for them.

I hate you god four words that changed my life for the. Because god loves us, he hates being separated from us and because sin is the cause of this separation, he hates it. Cj werleman lays out all 66 chapters of the bible old testament and new testament to present an irrefutable argument that indeed god hates us all. You can safely assume that youve created god in your own image when it turns out that god hates all the same people you do. God, put his hand on my back and, in the midst of me hating him, he calmly and gently said in a tone that screamed how proud of me he was, finally son, something real. There are many unequally yoked marriages that god hates even more than divorce exodus 34.

God doesnt hate you, in fact the bible says god loved the human family so much that he gave his only son as a sacrifice in order to save everyone. It is his love for man, his compassion for the human race, that prompts god to hate sin with such a vengeance. Lord bertrand russell and the powerful minority god hates you, hate him back. God hates you, hate him back makes the ultimate case for the claim that the god of the bible is. Hate him back is a work of both strong scholarship and candid humor. Download god hates you hate him back making sense of the bible. Other readers will always be interested in your opinion of the books youve read. Making sense of the bible revised international edition book intends to make the ultimate case for the claim that the god of the bible is the most wicked character in the pages of history. How often have you wondered, in the pain and confusion of hardship, if god might actually hate you. Therefore, if you have not yet repented and turned to the lord, dont worry about whether god has elected you. Download god hates you hate him back making sense of the.

Pdf god hates us all download full pdf book download. Buy a cheap copy of god hates you, hate him back book by c. God hates death and destroys it every chance he gets. C j werleman god hates you, hate him back makes the ultimate case for the claim that the god of the bible is the most wicked character in the pages of history. Making sense of the bible revised international edition. Cj werleman, australianborn author of god hates you, hate him back says, i believe people learn more when they find reading a pleasure, and with an entire genre of antireligious texts sprouting up all over the place, i hadnt come across any title that just laid out the entire bible in a manner that for me was pleasurable. Download pdf discerning the voice of god bible study book revised.